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Villa del Mar Hotel SINGLE-PARENT DEAL Benidorm

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Villa del Mar - Benidorm -
Book now at the best price


Travelling alone with your children?

Booking the Ultra All Inclusive board has many advantages for you.

One of them is being able to book your holiday at the single-parent rate and enjoy an unforgettable holiday with your children.

  • cancelacion gratis
    Cancelación Gratis
  • precio garantizado
    Precio Garantizado
  • Precio protegido
    Precio Protegido
  • 1 niño
    1 niño gratis
  • 2 niños
    Descuento del 50% para el 2 niño
Offer valid from 25/04/2024 to 25/12/2025
From:€75 taxes included.

Price from minimum (room/night) calculated automatically






habitacion superior

Habitación Superior



When a single adult travels with children, the first child’s vacation will be entirely free and from the second child on, you will enjoy a 50% discount. (AI or UAI boards)

Enjoy and sense the love we have given each corner, each show and each activity, so that your single-parent holiday may be unforgettable.

You do not have to pay extra when you travel with your children, choose the single-parent offer.

To qualify for this offer you must specifically book the room with 'Single Parent' in its name. (limited places. If the single-parent room is not available, you will not be able to access the offer in another typology).

    Allowed Occupation

    Available regimes


Add the safe rate (45€) and cancel up to 72h. before.

From : €75 taxes included.

Price from minimum (room/night) calculated automatically

Some good reasons to book with us

Sustainable actions: MAKING A MAGIC PLACE